Consulting Services
Comprehensive risk management solutions and products for organizations and people
Identify, Prevent, Mitigate
At Venture Security Group, we believe that a holistic understanding of your organization’s risks are key to making the knowledge-based decisions that facilitate confident progress. e not only assess risk but also design strategies to help your organization take action by implementing them from an enterprise to site level.
It is essential to have the right perspective when formulating a gameplan that considers future risks as well as current ones. Having an in-depth understanding of your company’s risks can help you mitigate challenges, minimize threats, and protect your organization.
Our Approach to Risk
Risk is unavoidable, everywhere, and not always intuitive. Seemingly disconnected events can have a lasting ripple effect that negatively impacts your organization. However, with the right approach, it is possible to achieve an atmospheric perspective, and total risk can be assessed and managed. We help you understand the risk your organization faces today to better prepare you for tomorrow.
Characteristic Risks
Characteristic risks are uncontrollable but can be mitigated once they occur in the form of contingency plans and alternate courses of action. They are intrinsic to certain unchangeable attributes of the threat environment relevant to the organization and include- but are not limited to- natural disasters, crime, specific location-based threats, and more.
Mutable Risks
Mutable risks and threats can be influenced by internal decision-making, and are more predictable and controllable than characteristic risks. They can be successfully mitigated by adequately implementing the appropriate measures and applying the necessary controls.

Total Risk Profile
When determining the full scope of your organization's risk profile, our consultants account for the characteristic and mutable risks associated with the relevant aspects of your organization. The collection of these risks, how they interact under certain conditions, and the mitigation efforts already in place comprise your organizations total risk profile from the site to national level.

Risk Assessments
VSG will identify vulnerabilities and discontinuities within your existing facilities, procedures, and programs and provide recommendations to mitigate potential consequences.
Threat Analyses
We identify and determine the potential impact threats, crime, natural disasters, political unrest, logistics disruptions, and health crises could have on your organization, personnel, and assets.
Adverse Events Reporting & Analysis
We offer targeted weekly significant activity (SigAct) reports relevant to your specific location, and High Impact Event reporting focused on large scale catastrophes.

Risk Management Consulting
Should an event occur, we provide services that assist you with business continuity planning and recovery, both locally and globally.